Bright Lite Charity Corp is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization. Tax ID:82-4642084. Donations & contributions are tax-deductible as allowed by law.




Get Inspired! By bringing your passion and talent, you can make a real difference in people’s lives!

Volunteers are one of the fundamental resources that we need to help fulfil the vision of Bright Lite Charity.  There are many ways you can serve your community and be a vital part of our mission. Together, we can harness and focus our energies and bring essentials and hope to children and families that need our support.

The multitude of people on staff represent the collective years of experience under our belt. The diverse number of volunteers and staff in the organization make for the seamless operation that facilitate miracles on a daily basis.


Why you should volunteer

  • Volunteering can increase self-esteem, enhance various skills and expand career paths.
  • Volunteerism improves health by strengthening the body, improving mood, and lessening stress.
  • A study on older adults who regularly volunteer showed they are more likely to enjoy a longer life than those who don’t volunteer.
  • Something about volunteering, about helping other people seems to help reduce anxiety and depression amongst volunteers. One study went so far as to say some volunteers recover quicker, sleep better and have healthier immune systems compared to non-volunteers.

Source: VolunteerHub


Thank you to our volunteers!

Our work is possible because of people like you!



If you're interested in becoming a volunteer, send your resume here: email